Typical houses of Galaxidi
Neoclassical houses, which began to be built after the earthquake of 1862, influenced by the general urban climate of the time, are usually two-storey, with mortared exterior walls, plaster frames on the floor and above the windows, ornate ironwork on the balconies and, of course, a cornice on the edge of the roof.
The vernacular houses, which are most of them, are smaller in size, lacking in character and often copying elements from the larger ones. Particularly interesting is the coexistence of large and small houses, the result of the fact that boat crews used to build their houses next to the boatmaster’s for protection, thus transferring to the land the structure and organisation of boat life.
Among the public buildings, of interest are the old and now dilapidated Kapodistrian school, the Municipal Primary School built in 1880, with an impressive Doric style porch, the Folk Museum, which is under renovation, and of course the Maritime and Historical Museum of Galaxidi. There one can follow the whole historical course of the place through characteristic exhibits, but also enjoy the images of the Galakidi ships, which brought wealth to the place and shaped to a great extent its present image.
But what one can enjoy in Galaxidi is an unsurpassed combination of land and sea, green and blue, courtesy and everyday life, and genuine tradition and modern life. A mixture of old and new Galician culture.
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